How to Ride a Hoverboard: 4 Steps Easy Learning

How to Ride A Hoverboard

Hoverboards have been gathering momentum since early 2016 as a smart means of urban transport. However, don’t be fooled by the name – while the word hoverboard may conjure images of futuristic sci-fi cities where people zip around on boards hovering just off the ground – what we mean by hoverboard is actually an electric self-balancing scooter.

Hoverboards have been growing in popularity and with that comes the question of how to ride one and how it works. Well, truthfully it does require some learning like every other ride which involves some balancing manoeuvre. But don’t let that put you off, as it is simple to pick up and doesn’t take long to before you start feeling comfortable cruising the sidewalk. Kids aged from about 7 years old can safely learn how to ride a hoverboard. Check out our Kids Hoverboard Reviews for the low-down on choosing the right hoverboard for your child.

But first, before you jump on your hoverboard for the first time, we recommend equipping yourself and your kids with appropriate protective gear to ensure safety while riding. A helmet is most vital, and getting wrist guards, elbow pads & knee pads is also recommended for beginners. You might like to check out our blog on Safe Hoverboards. Last but not least don’t forget to follow the safe riding basics as outlined by Steve below.

Golden Rules

Now let’s get started. But first there are two golden rules for beginners to remember.

  • Don’t bend from the waist on the hoverboard (tilt forward from the ankles instead)
  • Always ride on a flat surface (must avoid uphill and downhill)

Pre-Ride Checklist

In addition to the above, you need to keep in mind some basic tips to ensure each ride is enjoyable. We know you’re keen to get on with riding and zipping around like a pro, but it pays to use common sense and give some thought to the following.

  • Always ride in a zone where you are legally allowed to.
  • Before taking to the streets practice somewhere which is safe for you and the people around you as well.
  • Make sure your hoverboard holds enough charge before setting out. We know there’s nothing worse than having the battery die out in the middle of your ride.
  • If your board has a beginner mode, enable that option. This will limit your maximum speed when learning to ride.

Riding Guide: 4 Easy Steps

Hoverboard riding is an evergreen skill, once you get the hang of it, it’s just like riding a bike. There are 4 easy steps when learning how to ride a hoverboard.

1. Stepping On

This is a very crucial step and in my opinion the shakiest thing to do for first-timers. It can seem unnatural at first and it’s easy to picture yourself falling off. But follow our lead here and be assured you can do it.

Try to get support from something sturdy like a wall or fence when you are first getting on. Hold on to the support and step on the hoverboard with your dominant foot. Try to start shifting your weight there. You’ll notice the board begins to start moving straight away. But you are holding on the support right, so don’t let it move just yet.

Try to take it slow here. Play with it a bit and you’ll get the idea of balancing.

Once you are done put your second foot on the hoverboard and let the support go slowly. In some hoverboards there is an indicator that will show when to step the second foot. It actually senses your first foot position and if it’s good then it’ll give you a green signal for the second. Practice this entire thing a couple of times to get familiar with it.

2. Getting Off

Getting Off

now you know how to get on, getting off a hoverboard is not a big deal. If you can get on fine, then getting off is exactly the reverse process. However, beginners need to keep something in mind. Never try to get off by stepping forward. In that case, hoverboard will keep moving forward, and most likely you’ll face plant. So you need to get off by stepping back. Ensure the board has stopped moving, step off with your dominant foot, and then quickly follow with your second foot.

3. Moving Around

Now that you’ve nailed stepping on and off, it’s time to master moving around.

But first, you need to get to know your hoverboard motors. There are two motors, one for each wheel. As you lean forward and shift your weight into the balls of your feet, that will make the motors run forward. If you lean back slightly and shift the weight into the heels, the hoverboard will reverse. As I mentioned earlier don’t bend at the waist, instead tilt more from your ankles, like hitting the gas in a car. Take it slow and you’ll see you are moving in no time.

So moving around is just a mixture of your footwork.

4. Turning the Hoverboard

Now that you’ve mastered moving forward and backwards, it’s time to add some gentle turns.

To turn, exert some slight forwards and downwards pressure into the toe of the foot on the opposite side of the direction you want to turn. So to turn left, send some pressure into the toes of the right foot, and notice you begin to turn left. The more you lean into it, the more you will turn. If you want to get tricky with it, you can try adding in some pressure with the heel of the other foot, which will result in a sharper turn. With practice, you will eventually be able to use this technique to master 180 and 360 degree turns.

Hoverboard Turning

If one of the wheels rotates faster than the other then it’ll turn in the slower wheel side. Now guess what’ll happen if the wheels rotate in the opposite direction (one forward and the other back), it’ll make a sharp turn even a 360 rotation is possible.

Tips and Tricks

Let’s round this out with some final tips to help you on your way.

  1. Make sure your hoverboard is fully charged before use. If in the middle of a ride your hoverboard dies then you might need to carry it for the rest. Not much fun, and definitely a problem if it happens to one of the kids. Hoverboards are quite heavy and cannot be carried for a long time, especially by kids.
  2. If you ride your self-balancing scooter for a daily commute, road bumps may be unavoidable. The secret is to pass over bumps in a diagonal direction, allowing one wheel to meet the bump first and then the other. In this way, you can easily take on road bumps on your hoverboard.
  3. Hoverboards don’t make much sound. So when riding among pedestrians, sound a bell or play music to let others know you are coming so that no one gets hurt.
  4. Speeding will surely give you some joy but with associated risk. So just use your common sense here.
  5. It’s a battery powered device. So follow the manufacturer’s instructions strictly about charging & discharging events to keep it safe and ensure it lasts as long as possible.
  6. Have fun! Hoverboards are a supremely fun way to get outdoors and explore your local area and new neighbourhoods. I highly reccommend you give it a go.

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