A Skateboard Maintenance Guide

Skateboard Maintenance
Skateboard Maintenance

Let me show you some tricks and tips on how you can maintain a skateboard and prolong its life. Most probably, you got a new skateboard, and we all know the feel of a new board. The smoothness, no squeaky noise and the rigidity of a new board fade away over time.

If you are a beginner and probably got a new board but don’t know how to ride, adjust or maintain the board, don’t worry, this maintenance guide should take care of most of your problems.

Skateboard requires very little maintenance such as cleaning your bearings, rotating the wheels and sanding down the edge of your new board. That’s all there is to it.

With that being said, this is a perfect opportunity to learn something new about skateboard maintenance. A board is basically a collection of new components and parts that are bolted together.

Which means you can take it apart easily. Now, sometimes you might need to adjust something to keep the tension of the bolts just the way you want it.

Each board is different in type or size, and for that, you need to learn how to make your own adjustments.

For that, you need some tools.

  • Phillips head screwdriver
  • Bearing lubricant
  • Methylated spirits
  • Bearing cleaner
  • A sheet of sandpaper
  • Or just a skating tool for basic maintenance

Additionally, you can keep some socket wrenches or crescent if you don’t have a skate tool. Now, let’s get on with the skateboard maintenance guide.

How to Maintain Your Skateboard?

Have a look at this step by step maintenance guide for skateboard if you want to prolong the life of your setup.


The first I want to cover first is sanding. You need to sand along the edges of your skateboard. This will help prevent chips from occurring in the tail and nose of your deck.

The process is very simple. First of all, you need to locate a rough patch on the edge of your skateboard. Apply a reasonable amount of pressure once you find a rough patch and sand accordingly. Once you sanded those patches away, you notice that the edges are now much smoother. But be careful not to sand too much in one area, or you might end up damaging the shape of your board.

Adjusting the Metal Axles

Adjusting the Metal Axles

The tightness of the metal axle, aka the Trucks should be adjusted frequently. Your turning depends on them. If you are a beginner and want easier turns, you might want tighter trucks.

For small skaters, loosening them up a little might make things easier and do this when you are able to control the board better. You will only need a 9/16″ crescent to adjust the truck nut.

At the end of the kingpin, you will see a single large nut. It’s a repetitive process. First, try loosening the nut on each axle for about half a turn and give the board a try. Don’t loosen it up too much or else the nut will fall from the kingpin. It depends on your preferences, whether you want tighter nuts or looser nuts.

Cleaning Your Bearings

Now that we have that part taken care of, it’s time to look at the bearings. You need to find the right fitting in your skate tool and put it over your axel bolt. Then move the tool in an anti-clockwork direction and take your wheel off.

How To Do The Cleaning

Keep track of the wheels as you take them off. You need to put them back from where they came off.

Once you have taken your wheel off, make sure to put your washer and axle nut back on the same axle.

Don’t put the axle bolt on the last wheel because we are going to use that to pop the bearing out. To get your bearing out of the wheel, simply hang the bearing over the axle in a very shallow position.

Now, pull back the wheel, and the bearing will pop out. Do this for all your other wheels and once you have taken them all out, put them in an empty container.

Put your Methylated spirits in the container and completely submerge the bearings. Put a lid on top of the container and shake the bearings for about 30 seconds.

When you are done shaking, take the lid off and place each bearing on the table. You need to give the bearings about 15 minutes of drying time. Once you completely dry them out, they are now ready for lubrication.

Flip the bearings to the side that doesn’t have a bearing shield. Now apply two drops of bearing lube into the bearing. After you have done this, spin the bearing around your hand and make sure the lubrication goes around all of the bearings.

Reassemble The Board

Once all of the bearings are lubed up, put them over the axle and your wheel over them. Push the wheel down until you feel a popping sound.

Now flip the wheel over and put the other bearing on the axle and do the exact same thing. Repeat this step for all the other bearings. Now that all the bearings are in your wheels, it’s time to put them on. This is where rotating them comes into play.

Rotating the Wheels

You want to put each wheel on the axle diagonally opposite from where it originally came from. This means that your wheels get even wear and last the longest time possible.

It also helps if the graphic of the wheels is facing outwards and you can flip it inwards to allow them to wear out evenly. Now it’s time to put your wheels back on.

This is the reverse motion of how you took them out in the first place. Simply put the wheel on the axle, slip your washer on and tighten up the nut in a clockwise motion. Once you got the nuts on the axle, you have to make sure that you have enough room so that your wheels can spin freely and not move up and down too much.

Final Thoughts

Skateboards are meant to be scratched, chip, dent, and wear out. But with proper maintenance, you can easily prolong the lifespan of your board if you follow these basic tricks that I have shown you in this skateboard maintenance guide.

Before you leave have a look in the skateboard maintenance clip from openSource folks.

How to Teach a Kid to Skateboard

How to Teach a Kid to Skateboard
How to Teach a Kid to Skateboard

Want to learn how to skateboard? Nah, I meant, want to teach your kid how to skateboard? Well, sure, you do. It’s super fun. Skateboarding is easy; it’s like surfing but on the ground. Apart from the fun, it also has significant health benefits.

And if you fall, you land on the ground which might hurt, but hey, it’s not surfing. Now, this article will go over the basics of skateboarding, and what you should teach your kids to get them started.

Who knows, you might also pick up a few tips for your own. Let me give a brief overview of what I’m going to show you in this article.

I’ll start with some very simple riding basics, give you some familiarity with the basic tricks, ramps and some practicing tips. It’s a basic guide, so don’t expect anything too complicated.  

Before I get to the fun part, let me remind you that practice is the key. Let me rephrase that long-time practice is the key. Whatever you teach your child, whether it’s foot position, simply pushing or bending, make sure your child is comfortable with that first and then move on from there.

Teaching A Kid to Skateboard

This guide is made just for kids and parents that are just getting started and will serve as an introduction to skateboarding basics. When you start correctly, it can make skating a lot safer for kids. It will also be easier and definitely going to be more fun because you know what you are doing.

Things You Will Need

Now, I know skating is fun and all that, but it’s also risky. And that’s why you need to wear proper skateboarding gears.

Now that you have all the proper gears in check let’s learn how to skateboard easily and safely.

Learning Skateboard

Learning Skateboard

1. Get Comfortable

Before you get rolling, it’s always a great idea to get comfortable standing on a skateboard. It’s better if you do it on a soft surface.

For example, you can try standing on a board on grass, or if your wheels are clean, you can practice on a rug or a carpet.

2. Foot Position

Start by putting your front foot on those front bolts of your board and your back foot on the back bolts. You don’t need to move around or push yourself. Just try to stand and get comfortable.

3. Stance

When you are learning, it’s important to keep an athletic stance. Bend your knees slightly to maintain a controlled stance. Keep your feet under your shoulders with your knees a bit bent. Keep your weight on the balls of your feet.

With this, you will get a nice low center of gravity, and you can easily shift in any direction to keep your balance.

With this stance, you can easily get comfortable with your board. Just pretend you are surfing. Bounce around a bit to get comfortable with the feeling of being on a skateboard.

4. Three Stages of Getting Rolling

Keep the board on a soft surface for now because we are going to go through the three stages of getting rolling.


For step 1, go ahead and stand next to your skateboard with your front foot right next to the front wheels. Now place your front foot on the front bolts keeping your toe facing forward.

Make sure your whole body is facing forward in the direction of where the board will go.

Getting on

In this step, you need to bring all of your weight on the front foot and then bring the back foot on to the board, just behind the back bolts and perpendicular to the board.


In this step, you need to pivot that front while keeping the ball of our foot right over those bolts. The direction should be almost all the way perpendicular to the board.

At the same time, you should shift your upper body so that it is aligned to the skateboard. At this point, you are naturally maintaining that athletic stance.

Since you will now start to roll, you should turn your head in the direction you want to go. Turn your shoulder just a bit to get comfortable when you get moving.

5. Start on a Flat Surface

You definitely want to start on a nice flat surface. Make sure there is no traffic on the road. Try starting on an empty parking lot. Now repeat the three stages of rolling on a flat surface.

Add a push or two with your back foot to step one to get the momentum. Let me rephrase the step.

  • Keep your front foot right over the front bolts.
  • Keep most of your weight on the front foot.
  • Apply one or two pushes with the back foot.

After the push, go to step 2 with the back foot coming up on the board. Then go ahead with step three by rotating that front foot.

Make sure to maintain the nice athletic stance on the skateboard with your head turned to the direction of where you are going.

Final Tips

If your skater needs some extra help with this, it’s absolutely okay to offer a hand for some extra stability. Just keep a couple of things in mind.

  • Let your skater hold on to your hand and not the other way around.
  • Get them started on their own.
  • Let your little skater get in front you so that they can actually skate facing the way that they are supposed to be skating.
  • Once you got those few steps down, try adding some extra pushes to get a bit more speed.
  • If you do start to slow down, just reverse the steps.
  • Go back into step two by pivoting that front foot and keep the toe forward again.
  • Bring the back foot off and let the shoulder come around.
  • Give a few pushes, step back up, and pivot the foot and shoulders back to that riding position.
  • Get a skateboard of your appropriate size.
  • Don’t forget to maintain your board from time to time.

That’s all there is to it. Simple, isn’t it? Don’t worry; it’s perfectly normal for an adult to learn from this how-to guide.

Because the basics are the same, whether you are a 3-year-old or a 20-year-old, and that’s how you teach your kid to skateboard.

Before we wrap this up, watch this cool video from VLSkate on beginners skateboarding.

How Do Hoverboards Work: Self-balancing Technology

How do Hoverboards Work
How do Hoverboards Work

Have you ever wondered about how hoverboards work? I know you did if you know what we are talking about here. However, if you don’t then let me give you a quick idea about what a hoverboard is. It’s a two-wheeled electric ride where the balance is maintained between the front and back end of the ride, unlike bikes (in bikes side to side balance is maintained). The actual name of this ride is “Self-balancing Scooter” but as “Hoverboard” sounds pretty cool so people call it by that.

Now I’m not gonna lie to you. The first time I saw hoverboards, what popped in my mind is how this thing maintains the balance. Come on it’s not like a bike where the rider maintains the balance. It’s the technology here which does it! Brace yourself there because I’m gonna explain this now.

The Magic Balance


A couple of hoverboard components come at play when it comes to the balancing part. To get a hold of it first we need to recap some of the high school science.

Center of Gravity

I’m not gonna be the school teacher here. So I’ll not talk about all those stuff from the science book. Let’s get it through by an easy example. If I ask you to lift a log and put it in your shoulder, which part of the log should you put in the shoulder? Yeah, I’m sure you’ll put the middle one. But, do you know why? Well surely it’s because the center of gravity is in the middle of the log, hence it’s easy to carry it through that point.

To simply put the center of gravity of an object is the point where the weight is evenly distributed around. Every single thing that has weight also has a center of gravity. Similarly we humans also do have this and amazingly it’s not fixed. It changes with body movement.

So when you are on a hoverboard your center of gravity is there. You lean forward or backward and the center of gravity changes. Hoverboards have this technology to detect this and counteract this so that you don’t topple over.

How Hoverboards Work to Counteract the Center of Gravity

There are two components in the hoverboard which have particularly this job to detect your center of gravity. One is the tilt sensor and the other is the gyroscope.

Tilt Sensor

Tilt Sensor
Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Digital_Tilt_Sensor_Forceup_HDR.jpg

A tilt sensor is as it sounds, it senses how much the tilt is. You might think that this is somewhat new technology, but actually, it isn’t. In the early days, big fat mechanical tilt sensors were used, but now this has developed into compact electrical tilt sensors like in the picture above. Relax there, I’m not gonna dig deep into this.


Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:3D_Gyroscope.png

The gyroscope sounds like a “mad scientist” stuff. Well truthfully if you wanna know the working principle of it, then I’m gonna bail out too! The physics behind it is not complex though, but you have to get to know a couple of physics theories & formulas. I’m sure you don’t want it here. Rather I’m gonna talk about why a gyroscope is required in stuff.

To simply put gyroscope lets you know about the orientation of the device you put it in. Let’s talk about gyroscope in cell phones. It’ll help you to get this easily. Almost everybody using a smartphone has played games controlled by the screen orientation. Now how do you think your phone detects in which way you are holding your phone. Yes, it’s a gyroscope that does it.

Gyroscopes are one of the major components behind the self-balancing technology of a hoverboard. I suppose you already get the point that hoverboard gyroscopes are there to detect your orientation or maybe your inclination on the ride. This gyroscope data gets processed by the brain (the main processing board) of the hoverboard and results in enough torque in a particular direction so that you remain balanced.

Only the Balancing is not all!

Apart from balancing the hoverboard, there are some other parts at play for hoverboards to work. And those are not too complex to work with. I know you can name them as well, like wheels, batteries and etc. Let’s get through them quickly.

The Frame

Hoverboard Frame

All the hoverboard parts need to be put into something right? Yes, that something is the frame. However, this frame needs to be centrally pivotal. Meaning right or left ends of the frame should able to move around each other. Now this frame could be made of steel or sturdy plastic even. No harm in either. In fact, any light but strong enough frame should be preferable. Because the heavier the frame is the more weight the hoverboard needs to carry.

Wheels with an Electric Motor

Hoverboard Wheel

Obviously, there are two wheels but amazingly there are two different motors within each of the wheels. Most importantly these wheels can run independently by the rider, one by the right foot and other by the left.

Battery for Power

There are two battery packs in the hoverboard, each for one of the electric motors, sits beside each of the wheels. Usually, these are lithium ion 36V 4400mAH batteries. The battery type can deliver moderate power in less frequent charging. Check our blog on safe batteries for hoverboards to learn more.

The Brain (Logic Board)

Hoverboard Logic Board

All these parts need to be controlled by someone in the hoverboard right? Well, the mastermind is the logic board or motherboard. All the parts feed their data to this board & it controls the motors as it programmed to do. Now the better the brain is the better your hoverboard will behave, meaning reputable hoverboards use robust programming in the logic board.

How all of them in Hoverboards Work Along?

I suppose you know how people ride a hoverboard and if you don’t then no need to worry, check our “How to ride” blog on this. Anyway, when the rider steps on a hoverboard, both the tilt sensors & the gyroscopes start working. The tilt sensors sense if you are inclining forward or backward and the gyroscopes detect the center of gravity of you. All these data are sent to the mainboard and gets processed instantly. As a result, the mainboard instructs the electric motors to rotate the wheels in a particular direction and at a particular speed.

Now to keep a self-balance the mainboard holds a safe range center of gravity by automatically speeding up or slowing down the hoverboard. To get a hold onto the top-performing hoverboards check our Top 10 Hoverboard Reviews.

Don’t forget that this entire thing is an ongoing procedure. Meaning as long as the rider rides it, all the components keep working & the main board keeps processing.

Still curious about how hoverboards work? Check out the awesome teardown video from Fictiv folks below!